Our department has a long tradition of teaching psychological subjects to undergraduate and postgraduate students at Faculty of Education. All our courses are available in Czech and English and accessible to both full time and distant students. Our excellent staff consist of researchers, school psychologists, clinical psychologists and therapists who provide state of the art education for preschool teachers, class and subject teachers in primary as well as secondary schools.
You can find all our available courses HERE.
Our department has a long tradition in the international cooperation. Our partners are The University of Wrocław and the Faculty of Education, Uni of Ljubljana.
We have a long lasting interest in the following topics (cooperation is welcomed):
- teaching psychology and psychological literacy (all staff :))
- professional development of teachers and the development of teacher´s professional identity (Dr. Mareš, Dr. Lukas, Dr. Kohoutek)
- the school social climate and classroom climate (Dr. Mareš, Dr.Lukas)
- children pre-concepts of various phenomena (dr. Krása)
- teachers (moral) distress and well-being (Dr. Mareš, Dr. Kohoutek)
- self-harming behavior and suicide in adolescents (Dr. Fikarová)
- assessment tools (i.e thematic apperception test or adaptation of foreign tools) (Dr. Fikarová, Dr. Mareš, Dr. Kohoutek)
Přednášky dr. Galanga
Blahopřání studentům CŽV programů
Vítáme novou kolegyni
New colleague in our department
Our team has been strengthened since this week by dr. I. Ivanova. We look forward to using her experience from the Odessa Regional Academy of In-service Education in working with teachers and experience in working with clients with traumatic stress
We are looking for new colleagues
Erasmus+ at Wroclaw Un.
ERASMUS+ study stays
9.3.2022 at 1.00 p.m. the application interview for study stays in Poland and Slovenia will take place at the Department of Psychology.
Examination period
The examination period runs from 3 January to 12 February. We wish all students a successful completion of the exams!
The Jan Beran prize
In memory of Jan Beran, the Department of Psychology will annually award a student prize for an outstanding thesis as part of the Specialization Study for Educational Counselors.
Dean's Award for Tomáš Kohoutek
Tomáš Kohoutek received the Dean's Award in the category of Humanitarian and Social Activities for his help in organizing suburban holiday camps for children from the area affected by the tornado, methodological support and consulting activities, networking of helping organizations, providing psychological interventions and preventive activities, and popularization activities on the issue of coping with traumatic stress.
Dean's Award for David Havelka
Dr. David Havelka received the Dean's Award of the Faculty of Education of MU in the category of Employees' Creative Activity for the publication entitled STEPS - Group Therapeutic and Educational Program for Siblings of Children with Autism.
New staff member
Mgr. Veronika Ondráčková Dacerová has become the new member of our team of internal teachers.